
Local Church Information:
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Local Church Information

Church of God Southern Missouri

Meeting Location

The building is located 0.2 miles East on Highway N in North West Plains.

From the intersection of North U.S. 63 and Highway 14 proceed 4.8 miles North to Highway N and turn east (right). It is 7.5 miles North of the Howell County Fairgrounds.

From Willow Springs Missouri go 10 miles south past the West Plains Airport and turn east (left) on Highway N.

Look for the only Church open on God's True Day of Worship and Rest, it will be on the left hand side of Highway N.

Church Services: Every Sabbath at 10 am. Doors open at 9 am.


-- Passover
(Observed the evening before)

-- Days of
Unleaved Bread


-- Feast of Trumpets

-- Day of Atonement

-- Feast
of Tabernacles

-- Last Great Day


Song Leader: Dan Miller

Speakers: George Edmonston - Pastor,

Dan Miller - Minister

Contact George Edmonston