How to do battle with Satan.

Specifically there are seven things we can do to fight off Satan or as it says in James, resist the devil. Now to begin with let's look at some scriptures that describes the battle we entered at baptism and the receiving of God's Spirit.

I Peter 5:8 - In the wild, what is the easiest target for a lion? the sick, the young, the old. What about spiritually? the spiritually sick - one who is not doing what God says to do. the spiritually young - some become disallusioned when they enter God's church because they see what the Bible says to do, yet encounter members who are spiritually sick or their family and friends talk them out of keeping God's law. finally you have the spiritually old - those who become weary in well doing, who say where is the kingdom we have been praying for for so long.

If you will, imagine your personal spiritual life as a house - these conditions I just described are like an open soor to Satan. So of course we are on constant guard to keep the doors to our spiritual life with God shut.

II Cor.10:3-4

Eph 6:12 So with all this in mind as background let's get to the 7 things we can do to do battle with Satan and they are listed here in Eph 6. Let us begin in verse 10. v.10 be strong in keeping God's law and be strong in the Holy Spirit. We are told in Timothy that we are giving a spirit of power. In Matt 25 that spirit is likened to oil in a lamp. If the oil runs dry in a lamp, no more light. If the spirit runs dry in a christian, no more christian.

v.11 get ready to do battle.

Now the description he gives of a soilder ready for battle differs from how we are use to a soilder be dressed. We are use to M-16, bullet-proof vest, grenade, american flag on the shoulder, backpack, radio, special goggles and on and on. As christian soilders we too dress for the battle, but our battle is not with flesh and blood and our armor is not physical, but spiritual. Therefore we need spiritual armor and Paul tells us what we need. 1 grid you waist with truth v14 - God's law and commandments - Ps. 119:142,151 2 put on breastplate of righteousness v14 - Ecc.7:20 I John 2:1And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: doing the right and good thing 3 shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace v15 - preparation the act of preparing the condition of a person or thing so far forth as prepared, preparedness, readiness ---on our feet. Reddy to give account of the hope that lies in us, namely that Jesus Christ will return to the earth and establish a kingdom that will give peace to a war torn world. Isa.52:7

4 sheild of faith v16 - We see that Satan will attack our faith. Do you believe with all your heart that God will do what he says he will do even though it does not seem possible. Job 1:21

5 helmet of salvation v17 - I Thess 5:8 - don't forget the big picture, eternal life in God's kingdom. Matt4:8-10 Satan wanted Christ to throw away he rulership in the kingdom and he wants us to do the same.

6 sword of the spirit v17 - John 16:13; 14:26 Heb.4:12 I Cor.2:10-12

7 last but not least -PRAY v18 Luke 18:1-8

I Tim.6:12 Ps.25:4-5